MUSICAUTOR is managed by General meeting, which includes all the members of the organization. The General meeting is convened once a year. The operational management of MUSICAUTOR is carried out by the Management board, which meetings take place at least once a month, and by the executive director. The financial supervision of the activities of MUSICAUTOR is carried out by the Supervisory board.
The activity of MUSICAUTOR is based on the Statute and the Rules for distribution of the collected royalties, which are accepted and amended by the General meeting.
The organization is represented by the chair of the Management board, the deputy chairs and the executive director of MUSICAUTOR together and separately (Article 37 of the Statute).
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Новият Управителен съвет на МУЗИКАУТОР пред актуални предизвикателства
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Бяха избрани председател и заместник-председатели на организацията.
По-рано днес се състоя първото заседание на новия Управителен съвет на Музикаутор
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